@ rootnegativeone


My current focus is the comsat proof of concept simulation, but there are other older threads that remain below related broadly to passkey management.

Garden Ring:




Pitch: Revolutionize Communication with "Comsat"


  • Problem: In today's fast-paced world, digital communication is instant, efficient, but sometimes overwhelming. People often crave a way to manage the speed and intensity of their interactions. Moreover, we're all familiar with the challenges of remote communication—expectations about response times, misunderstandings, and a lack of context.
  • Solution: Enter "Comsat," a groundbreaking communication platform that takes inspiration from the expanse of space to provide a unique, physics-inspired approach to moderating interactions.

Core Concept:

  • Virtual Space Proximity: Comsat reimagines digital communication as if users were distant spacecraft navigating the emptiness of space. Every interaction begins with two "spacecraft" at the distance between L4 and L5 Lagrange points (~8.3 lightminutes one way). Each spacecraft has a comsat that they can place that acts as a relay for all communications. Communications travel only via comsats, which can be placed near or far from others.
  • Adjustable Light Travel Distance: Users have the power to influence their communication experience by freely adjusting their virtual proximity to the relay. Moving the spacecraft closer to the comsat and the comsat closer to others directly impacts the effective distance that light (in the form of radio waves bearing information) must travel between their comsat and others.
  • Variable Communication Delay: This dynamic approach means that closer proximity results in shorter communication delays, akin to real-time conversations. Meanwhile, greater distance introduces longer delays, requiring patience and reflection. The communications are deliberately and variably asynchronous.

Key Features:

  • Realistic Simulation: Comsat provides a realistic simulation of the physics of light travel. As users change their proximity settings, the system calculates the adjusted light travel distance, replicating the time it would take for a message to travel.
  • Dynamic Adjustments: Users can modify only their own proximity to the relay, allowing for real-time adaptations during conversations and interactions. This flexibility provides the best of both worlds—real-time conversations and thoughtful, deliberate exchanges. Or, the user could become quite unreachable for a time.

Value Proposition:

  • Moderation and Reflection: Comsat offers a novel way for users to manage their digital interactions. Whether you prefer immediate responses or thoughtful pauses, Comsat lets you tailor your communication style to suit your mood, needs, or the nature of the conversation.
  • Enhanced Understanding: By visualizing the physicality of communication delays, Comsat fosters empathy and understanding between users. It bridges the gap between instant messaging, more deliberate, in-person conversations, emails, and letters.
  • Unique Experience: Comsat isn't just another messaging app; it's a new way of connecting with others, even in larger groups. It brings user choice in communication to the forefront, with a simple way to navigate and filter social interactions.

Market Potential:

  • Global Reach: Comsat targets a global audience seeking more meaningful and considered digital interactions.
  • Diverse Applications: Beyond personal communication, Comsat has applications in remote team collaboration, academia, education, and even mental health support.
  • Revenue Model: Comsat's benefactor freemium model offers basic communication features for free, with a premium plan to support access control to the group relay’s relative position to each group member.

Conclusion: Comsat grants users sovereign control over their time by controlling their virtual space. Whether users want to congregate in low Earth orbit or float alone in the expanse, Comsat offers the experience of deliberate, space-inspired messaging.

Architectural Overview:

Front-End UI (Spacecraft Interface):

HTML/CSS: Static HTML serves as the structure of the UI. CSS, potentially preprocessed with tools like SASS for advanced features, is used for styling to ensure a modern and responsive design.

HTMX: HTMX attributes added to HTML elements to handle dynamic content updates without writing JavaScript. Server interactions are managed with HTMX, such as sending and receiving messages, updating UI components, etc.

Back-End (Comsat Operations): Distributed Hash Table (DHT) for Node Discovery: Nodes (comsats) register themselves on the DHT. Comsats query the DHT to discover other nodes and retrieve the necessary connection information.

WebRTC for Peer-to-Peer Communication: Once nodes are discovered, WebRTC establishes a direct, peer-to-peer communication channel between comsats. WebRTC handles the transmission of data (e.g., chat messages, status updates) directly between comsats.

Communications between Front-End and Back-End: HTMX & Server Sent Events (SSE) or WebSockets: For real-time communication from server to client (comsat to spacecraft), use SSE (a unidirectional protocol where the server sends updates) or WebSockets (a bidirectional communication protocol). HTMX can interact with the server to send spacecraft commands and receive updates, which are then displayed to the user.

Architectural Flow:

Spacecraft 1 UI (Client) <--> Comsat 1 (Server/Node)

  • User actions on the spacecraft UI are sent to its respective comsat using HTMX.
  • Comsat 1 communicates with Spacecraft 1 for real-time updates and commands.

Comsat 1 <--> Comsat 2 (Peer-to-Peer via WebRTC)

  • Comsats discover each other using the DHT and communicate directly using WebRTC for data exchange.

Comsat 2 (Server/Node) <--> Spacecraft 2 UI (Client)

  • Comsat 2 receives data from Comsat 1 and relays communications to Spacecraft 2's UI using HTMX and SSE/WebSockets.

This architecture supports a decentralized system where each spacecraft-comsat pair operates independently. There's no central server managing the communications; each comsat finds its peers through the DHT and establishes a direct line of communication via WebRTC. HTMX on the front end allows for a responsive user experience with real-time updates from the comsat without relying on any JavaScript frameworks.

Local LLM for Enterprise

Slide 1: Title

  • Company Name: [Company Name]
  • Logo: [Company Logo]
  • Tagline: "Revolutionizing Data Security in AI with Local LLM Solutions"

Slide 2: Problem Title: "The Challenge of Data Security in AI"

  • Data privacy and security concerns with cloud-based LLMs.
  • Regulatory compliance issues in sensitive industries.
  • Latency and integration challenges in enterprise environments.

Slide 3: Solution Title: "Our Solution: Local LLM Server"

  • A self-hosted, local LLM server within enterprise networks.
  • Ensures sensitive data remains within the organizational boundary.
  • Tailor-made for enterprise needs with enhanced security features.

Slide 4: Market Opportunity Title: "Market Potential and Target Audience"

  • Growing demand for secure AI solutions in regulated industries.
  • Targeting financial institutions, healthcare, government agencies.
  • Competitive advantage in a market seeking privacy-centric AI.

Slide 5: Product Title: "Product Overview"

  • Detailed description of the local LLM server features.
  • Customization and integration capabilities.
  • Demonstrating user interface and user experience highlights.

Slide 6: Business Model Title: "How We Make Money"

  • Selling the local LLM server solution to enterprises.
  • Potential for subscription-based updates and support services.
  • Scalability options for different enterprise sizes.

Slide 7: Competition Title: "Competitive Landscape"

  • Analysis of current cloud-based LLM offerings.
  • Differentiation factors: security, privacy, customization.
  • Our strategic advantage in the market.

Slide 8: Traction Title: "Our Progress So Far"

  • Any development milestones achieved.
  • Interest or feedback from potential clients.
  • Partnerships or collaborations, if any.

Slide 9: Team Title: "Meet Our Team" Bullets:

  • Brief bios of key team members.
  • Highlight relevant expertise and experience.
  • Showcase the team's passion and commitment to the project.

Slide 10: Ask Title: "What We Need"

  • Funding requirements.
  • What the funding will be used for (e.g., development, marketing).
  • Call to action for investors.


The vision for the voidKey product is to have passwordless key management ready at hand for everyone. The branding refers to the solution's function; the user's keys will be stored within a void created by a Faraday cage that defaults closed and opens with a single motion.


Use Cases

While both use cases below share the assumption that this object would be part of a more comprehensive authentication scheme, they differ fundamentally in the need that they are satisfying. Another area of reasearch is which of these two use cases to focus on. Is identity management sufficiently served by existing hardware security tokens, such as YubiKey, Thetis, Google Titan Security Key, etc.? Is there a demonstrable need in the crypto community for another option at a lower price point?

Identity Management

This would be relevant to a passwordless authentication scenario.

Cryptocurrency Cold Wallet

This would be relevant to a new class of cold wallet that sits between paper & pencil and electronic hardware wallets.


I have a tentative framework with which I believe it would be useful to analyze the existing solutions. The framework consists of two axes: complexity and connectivity. Each axis is a spectrum from simple to complex or from always offline (cold) to always online (hot).

Complexity: The simplest example is a pencil and paper that records a mnemonic word list. The most complex example is a hardware device such as those produced by Trezor.

Connectivity: The most offline examples are a pencil and paper or a metallic punch product. The most online is a hot wallet, such as a mobile app with an HD wallet.


The approach that I'm taking is to ask relevant communities how they feel about their options and experiences to discover what pain points exist.


  • How do you feel about the current methods of storing mnemonic passphrases or private keys?
  • Have you ever faced challenges or anxiety related to this?
  • Do these experiences differ vastly between cryptocurrency and identity management applications?


I've built a few prototypes, the first of which was made from tape, cardboard, and an NFC laundry tag. The most recent iteration, v0.4, was 3D printed in PLA and continues to use an NFC laundry tag. There were issues witht that print, and I am currently working on v0.5 to mitigate some of those issues. One open issue is whether it's necessaryt to completely enclose the object in conductive film or whether small openings are acceptable. Initial testing is likely to yield an answer.


This object could likely be produced at a low enough cost to manufacture and distrubute widely so that businesses could offer it at zero additional cost as part of a package.

tokenized identity management

What appeals to me about the promise inherent in blockchain technologies is that there is at least a hint of a possibility that we can avoid exploitation and alienation with tokenized ownership.

This reminds me of an approach we came up with when we were struggling with identity management in the context of self-custody. We circled the idea of storing identity-related information on chain like we did device information on the Stellar network so we could support persistent secure login. We never got around to implementing this, but my idea was to put the pointer to the information embedded in a Stellar transaction and put the actual information payload in IPFS. That could be PII, like a 3D point cloud of your face, other biometric information, documents, or (a lot less scary) your contacts. I hate this phrase, but you'd have "sovereign control" over what constitutes your identity and you could grant fractional access. I felt like that same idea could be applied to various social networks so that you can be both anonymous and secure in a zero trust way. There could be implicit trust in a refuge, but the cost would be hardcore KYC. I can't take credit for the germ of this idea (the bit about tokenizing identity information).